In Less Than 3 Minutes You’ll Know
Secrets About The Laws Of Power
That Most People Will Never Understand…

Why almost everyone else is wrong about how to get power

How the weak defeat the strong

How to see “hidden” sources of power others over-look

In the next 3 minutes I want to help you forever change how you perceive and pursue power…

Take a look at this surfer…

Jeff Rowley Photo credit: Minnie Vuong
Jeff Rowley Photo credit: Minnie Vuong

This surfer is harnessing a power far, far greater than his own strength. He didn’t create the wave. He didn’t create all the physics and forces that went into creating the wave.

He simply harnessed one of the most powerful forces on earth with a simple fiberglass-covered styrofoam-board, a pair of swim trunks (…And some Serious Cajones!).

These “Hidden in plain site” sources of power are all around you!

art-war In Art Of War, Generals are told to seek the high ground…

Fighting from the high ground means that the forces of gravity are with you — and your opponents not only have to fight you – but gravity.

mushashiPut the Sun in their eyes…

The legendary swordsman, Mushashi, killed 60 men in duals. He was famous for maneuvering opponents so the sun was in their eyes.

Photo Credit Ripple by @tanakawho
Photo Credit Ripple by @tanakawho
Drop a pebble in the water and its ripples cross the pond…

I have an acquaintance who looks at current events, asks what ripples those will send out, then creates websites around future events – everything from sporting events, local shows, etc. Then he waits for the events to come to him. When they do, his sites rank highest in Google – and he profits while others scramble.

pebblesRemove a single pebble from a mountain-side and you can create an avalanche…

Dr. Moshe Yudkowsky studied industries and discovered by pulling small elements out of a system, it could create an avalanche, a revolution, in product and business innovation

In most of life’s situations there are sources of power just like these waiting for you to see them, harness them, and use them to achieve your dreams.

Here are some critical facts about these sources of power…

The Power Is Real

Point Number One: The power is real. The surfer didn’t imagine the wave.

These sources of Power aren’t some woo-woo, stare-at-your-navel-and-wait-for-the-universe-to-bring-you-success mumbo-jumbo.

It’s about real power.

It’s about harnessing very real tangible and psychological forces to increase your power.

If you don’t like that…If you’re looking to discover magical and mystical forces you can harness by sitting on your couch — then what I’m about to reveal isn’t for you.

Still with me?

You Don’t Have To Be A Jerk

Point Number Two: Notice the surfer didn’t have to cheat, lie, steal, bully, intimidate or be a jerk to anyone to tap into this power. My friend doesn’t have to manipulate anybody to build a website that captures the future before anyone else.

In the next few minutes I want to open your eyes to these very real, yet hidden (to others) forces that are all around you, waiting to multiply your power. There are many of them.

But first, you need to understand what these sources of powers are NOT…

Point Number Three…Continued…

Click here to continue… (Page 2)